- nesta semana a BASEMENT TAPES - melhor coluna de HQ no ar hoje em dia, com os diálogos entre Fraction e Casey - trata de Mangá; neste trecho o Fraction mata a velha charada, pra mim o mesmo motivo do sucesso de bandas como Dance of Days:
Talk about X-book style angst and soap-operatics-- shojo is like a smart bomb aimed at nervous, insecure girls. They're some of the most emotionally exploitative, target-marketed, and demographically lethal things I've ever seen-- Claremont WISHES he could twist his little girls in knots like Mayu Shinjo can.
The strange thing is that they seem so utterly without guile. The books don't feel like the product of a committee, but if you're an insecure girl with body and confidence issues, she's got you dead to rights. If they weren't so sweetly naive, they'd be cruelly manipulative.
Fashion, tastes, accessories, fads-- The sun rises and sets on the whims of Japanese girls. Wouldn't it be great if the Stan Lee of Japan wasn't a hyperbolic carnie huckster raising a boy-army of misfits and pop junkies, but a nervous, shy, post-schoolgirl still obsessed with boy bands and losing weight, leading all of the other unpopular girls to stuff their backpacks with phonebook weepies? Mayu Shinjo is the Bizarro-Stan. AntiStan!
engraçado como Paul Pope [há mais de 10 anos] e Grant Morrison [agora] são praticamente os únicos ocidentais a entender direito a mecânica temática e narrativa do Mangá.