segunda-feira, abril 12, 2004

- - nova central pra todos os sites do Alexandre Mandarino, que tá repensando como fazer a coisa sempre divertida. altas conexões legais ele faz ali. e dá uma olhada nas recomendações mensais de HQ que ele garimpa do Previews. eu fazia isso lá no fórum mas desisti, trampo de louco.

- pra guardar: calendário de convenções de HQ na gringa; as datas em negrito em geral são dos eventos mais importantes.

- outros daqueles segredos da auto-publicação de Hqs independentes que tio Young solta volta e meia:

You solicit a book, as a self-publisher. Diamond says, "That's looks great; we want 3000." Your book is a $2.95 retail book, in which you're on F discount, and so sell to Diamond at $1.18 a unit. You get $3540.00 in thirty days. BUT. For a 2% discount, Diamond will pay you in ten days. That means you get $3469.20. Doesn't make any difference to you, really, but saves Diamond some beans over all the other publishers they have to deal with.

So you get your $3469.20 twenty days before your printer bill is due, because you are on pay-in-30-days terms (net 30) with your printer, see?

If this all works like clockwork, you get paid two weeks before your print bills are due, and can theoretically produce work for no up-front outlay. Of course, I don't recemmend this for first-timers, but it's always what I think of when people tell me they can't make comics because they have no money. The fact is, you only need a magic marker and some typing paper to make comics, and if you do it well, the money takes care of itself. :)

e ao procurar pelo primeiro segredo que postei aqui percebi que o blogger não tá arquivando direito: não tem nada de 2004. hmmm